Message From Mrs Dance
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has been Safer Internet Week. My assemblies have been centred around giving children strategies to keep themselves safe online; particularly with potential scams. Talking to a trusted adult and blocking unwanted contact were two strategies that I shared with the them. I also shared the following with the children:

Please do refer to the above information at home. This will ensure that we are all working together to keep the children safe.
Yesterday, Year 4 had a fantastic day at the Living Rainforest which supports their geographical learning. I know that the children used their observational skills throughout the day to try and spot the resident sloth! The team who took the children all returned talking positively about the children’s behaviour throughout the day. The children exemplified our MIRROR values not only with each other, but also with the professionals working with them throughout the day.
I am delighted to share a photo montage of our new library furniture. Thanks to your generosity, we have used some of the money donated by the PTA to reupholster the furniture. I am sure that you will agree that it looks fabulous!
Thank you to Ryan Oliver Upholstery:
Thank you for your ongoing support this half term. It has been a great six weeks where we have seen fantastic progress and learning for all of our children across the curriculum.
Please remember that Monday 24th February is an INSET day, we look forward to welcoming you and the children back to school on Tuesday 25th February at 08:35am.
Wishing you all a lovely half term.
Mrs. Dance