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Welcome to our pupils section of the website. We hope you find this area helpful and fun to explore. Below you will find information about pupil opportunities and extra-curricular activities. You can also click on the relevant year group page for your child for further information specific to their year group and class.

School House Teams

At Vigo Primary School we have four house teams named after inspirational icons. These are also identified and represented by colours. Anne Frank (blue) Malala Yousafzai (Yellow) Nick Vujicic (red) Rosa Parks (green). Children will be grouped into their house team upon admission to school. You can find out which house team your child belongs to by speaking to the class teacher or school office team. 

School Clubs

At Vigo Primary School we actively promote and encourage participation in school clubs. We offer a variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs for children to attend. Clubs may vary each half-term and information on this will be shared through school communication. If you would like to sign your child up for a lunchtime or after-school club, you will need to complete a google form link which will be sent out from the office.

Please see the current list of clubs on offer during this half-term (Summer 1- 2024): Breakfast Club, Choir, Cricket, Country Dancing, KS1 Football (Stowe Sports), Lunch Club, Lego Club, Netball, Forces Club and Young Carers Club.

Junior Governors 

At Vigo Primary School we prioritise pupil voice and have a platform for all pupils to be represented through our Junior Governors. Each class has one Junior Governor representative who attends a weekly meeting to discuss school matters and initiatives. The Junior Governors collaborate with our School Senior Governors to implement their ideas to improve pupil experiences. Junior Governors report back to their peers and have time to present topics of discussion or debate. As recognition of the Junior Governor duties and impact upon the school they participate in an annual school education visit to the House of Parliament in London with the Headteacher.

School Rewards 

At Vigo Primary School we really enjoy celebrating achievements of all pupils. We recognise effort and progress and praise this through various individualised and whole school initiatives. 

All children are set up with individual Dojo avatars upon admission to school and these are linked to their house teams. Children have the opportunity to earn Dojo points and contribute to rolling total over the half-term. At the end of each half-term the winning house team celebrates with a non-school uniform day, wearing colours representing their assigned house.

All children have the opportunity to earn a scented sticker or scented certificate from the senior leadership team. These will be awarded to children when nominated by their class teacher. This could be for pieces of outstanding work, positives behaviours or excellence in personal achievement.

All children attend our weekly celebration assembly 'Owlets'. During this assembly, classes are awarded Albert the Alpaca for the best attendance. Children in all classes also have the chance to win a book during the assembly as part of the reading raffle. Individual children are selected and awarded for the weekly learning celebration (this differs each week), the Vigo Hi-5 Milkshake time award, the Owlet MIRROR Values. These individual awards are nominated by the class teacher weekly.