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Travel Plan

Statement of Intent


Vigo Primary School works in collaboration with Hampshire County Council to minimise traffic to and from the school site.


Where young people are local to the school, we would encourage them to walk, cycle, scoot or use public transport for their school journey, with the support of their parents or carer. For families that travel greater distances, we do encourage using the local Park and Stride initiative to support parking and walking a short distance to school (please see the Park and Stride Map).


Reducing our school traffic means our students have a safer and healthier environment in which to learn, as well as supporting our young people in developing life skills that are fundamental to future life chances.


Our Travel Plan aims to:

  • Assist in decreasing congestion on local roads at the beginning and end of the day as well as decreasing the risk of the associated safety issues
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of students, parents/carers and staff
  • Improve the life skills of our young people for road safety awareness
  • Improve relations within our local community e.g. residents and parking
  • Promote and increase walking, cycling and scooting as a way of getting to and from school where possible
  • Have a positive impact on the local environment
  • Assist in the easing of traffic congestion in the local area/around the 4-school campus.


This link supports you in being able to plan your journey to school and also any area of Hampshire


Parkwise Promise


To keep the area outside our school safe at the beginning and end of the school day, we ask our parents/carers to participate in The Parkwise Promise’. This is a council-led initiative that targets dangerous and inconsiderate parking near our school. We ask that you make sure you do not park or stop on the ‘School Keep Clear’ zigzags and that our entrance and exits remain clear at all times. This supports us in ensuring the safety of our young people.


We would like to remind you of the following areas of the Highway Code:


 Rule 243: Do not stop or park:

  • Near a school entrance
  • Anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
  • Opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • In front of an entrance to a property
  • On a bend


Rule 224: Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.


Park and Stride

We know many families need to drive their young people to school, but we do also like to encourage you to take part in some challenges, such as ‘Park and Stride’. This is where you park a little further from the school and walk into the school from that location. It is great for getting your steps up. Please note you are able to use Town Park Car Park most of the time for drop off and pick-ups and this would allow you to take part in Park and Stride too.



Bike and Scooter Storage


We do have children who cycle to school and some who scoot to school. We ask that they always wear a helmet and that they are only permitted to do so if they have a good understanding of how to keep safe on their bikes/scooters.


The school holds annual Bikeability events to support students in developing this life skill and independence. If your young person is travelling to school, they must bring a lock with them to ensure it is secure.