Managing Behaviour
Being a parent is probably one of the most important and skilled jobs you'll ever have to do. It can be both demanding and challenging, particularly when you have to deal with behaviour. Techniques that you have used before are no longer working or having an impact.
Below are some links and resources to support you with this.
Parenting courses
Please contact Mrs Parry if you are interested in any of the courses.
The Family Links - Nurturing Programme - provides parents with understanding and skills to lead emotionally healthy lives, build resilience, self-esteem and positive relationships. The programme covers a range of topics which include:
- Understanding why children behave as they do
- Recognising the feelings behind the behaviour (theirs and ours)
- Explore different approaches to discipline
- The importance of looking after ourselves
Family Links - Talking Teens - provides a positive view of teenage development and focusses on improving relationships within the family, communication, negotiating, decision-making, and strategies to reduce conflict. The programme increases parents’ understanding of teenagers’ feelings and behaviour and delivers key strategies for maintaining and improving relationships.
NVR - Non Violent Resistance - addresses violent, destructive and harmful behaviours in children and adolescents. The course aims to:
- Help parents become more confident in managing their child's behaviour
- Develop the core knowledge and skills that are necessary to competently use this intervention
- Help rebuild relationships
- Provide a safe place to talk about family conflict
WIC -Who's in Charge - is a child to parent violence programme aimed at parents whose children are being abusive or violent toward them or who appear out of parental control. The course aims to:
- Changing parental attitudes, in particular, to reduce blame, guilt and shame
- Explore the use of consequences to change unwanted behaviour
- To support parents in making changes within the home
- Develop a better understanding of anger, assertiveness and self-care.