Breakfast Club and After School Childcare
Vigo Primary School offers an in-house breakfast club from 7:45am in the morning. We have links with The Scot Centre (Youth Options), which offer after-school childcare. Please see below for more information about before and after childcare.
Vigo Primary School Breakfast Club
Vigo Primary School Breakfast Club is an in-house, pre-booked childcare club operating daily during term time (excluding INSET days). Children are provided with a choice of toast, cereal and juice and are given the opportunity to socialise with their peers, carry out quiet activities such as colouring/drawing and play games inside and outside (weather permitting). We accept children from all year groups (R to 6) and all VPS staff are appropriately trained.
The drop-off point for the club is the Key Stage 1 school gate (not the school office). Please queue by the gate and a member of the VPS Breakfast Club team will open the gates to let you through at the following times:
- 1st Entry Time – 7:45am
- 2nd Entry Time – 8:00am
- 3rd Entry Time – 8:15am
Please note, staff will open the gates at these times only, they will not wait by the gate, you will need to arrive promptly for the times stated above and if you arrive later than your desired time slot please queue until the next opening time.
Breakfast Club registration forms can be downloaded from our website or requested at the school office. There is an initial, one-off registration fee of £2.50 for every child attending the club. This must be paid via Scopay at the point of registering your child and before any booked sessions take place.
If you require assistance with logging on to your child’s Scopay account, please contact Mr Christmas in the school office.
We accept child care/employers' vouchers as a method of payment, as well as the government tax-free childcare scheme. If you are registered with a childcare voucher scheme, please ensure you include these details on the registration form to enable us to update our records.
If you would like to register and book your child in to sessions for VPS Breakfast Club, please complete the registration form and email it to adminoffice@vigo.hants.sch.uk
The Scott Centre - After-School Childcare
At Vigo Primary School we regularly review the demand for wrap-around and after-school childcare. Currently, we do have links with The Scott Centre after-school childcare club in Andover, run by Youth Options. A mini-bus is in operation from the school to their centre at Mead Hedges, Andover, SP10 2LB every day during term time.
If you would like to book your child in for after-school childcare with The Scott Centre please contact them directly on T: 01264 332188 or visit their website at https://youthoptions.org.uk/what-we-do/our-centres/scott-centre
360° Sports Coaching - After-School Childcare
360° Sports Coaching after-school childcare club will operate at Vigo Primary School every school day during term time (excludes INSET days) from September 2024. There are a range of activities available at the club, which is split into two sessions:
- Session 1 will run from 3:15pm – 4:45pm, this will be sport-based activities and will cost £6 per session/per day
- Session 2 will run from 4:45pm – 6:00pm, this will consist of a snack, crafts and games and will cost £6 per session/per day
*Session 1 and 2 combined will be a total cost of £12 per day
All sessions must be booked in advance and paid for directly with the 360° Team. For more information please click on the links below.
360° Sports Coaching Contact Details:
- W: https://360degreesportscoaching.co.uk/ - general
- W: https://360degreesportscoaching.co.uk/book-online/ - online bookings
- E: 360degreesportscoaching@gmail.com
- T: 02382 001 430