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The School Choir

Mrs Weymouth leads the children of Vigo Primary School Choir and together they have achieved some wonderful milestones and memories. The Vigo Primary Choir are well established and highly renowned within the local community of Andover. They have sung across Andover at many different public community events over the years and continue to be invited to celebrate festivities, festivals and concerts, shop openings and much more. We at Vigo believe in enriching children's learning experiences, especially within the arts, and our fabulous choir is one way in which our children give back to the community. Not forgetting to mention that not only do our choir touch so many hearts with their wonderful vocals, but all songs performed are Makaton friendly and inclusive, ensuring that everyone can share the joy of music. 

One of the proudest moments we hold is the recognition of our school choir, acknowledged in 2018, where we were very excited to be awarded winners of the Pride of Andover Award. 

Keep a look out for some of our upcoming events via the website and the schools social media:

Vigo Primary Valentine concert 2022

Enjoy our Valentine concert - sending lots of love from all at Vigo!

Winchester Christmas market

We were very lucky to be invited to perform at the Winchester Christmas market this year and what a fabulous job our Makaton choir did- we were so very proud of them all.


Our choir were invited to sing at Rosebourne to spread some festive cheer.

Vigo Primary School Choir Concert and Events


Copper Beeches

It is one of the choirs favourite days out, going to sing at for all the residents at Copper Beaches.

Vigo Xmas fayre

Our amazing choir in action at the Christmas fayre.